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28th August 2009 - Dartmouth Royal Regatta - Air Show

Over the three days of the regatta various aircraft fly over and give displays. Today is the turn of a Merlin and a Chinook

The Merlin HM Mk 1 has been in Service with the Royal Navy since 1998.

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

There are 5 Squadrons, 814 Sqn, 820 Sqn, 829 Sqn, 824 Sqn and 700 Sqn and all are based at the Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose in Cornwall.

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

The Royal Navy website says "Merlin is designed to operate from both large and small ships' flight decks, in severe weather and high sea states, by day and night".

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

This makes for an impressive sight at the end of the days racing.

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

The Merlin is equipped with a winch.

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

One of the crew is winched down into the river.

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

The crew wave to the crowds at the end of their display.

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth Royal Navy Merlin over Dartmouth

Not to be outdone by the Navy, the Royal Air Force Chinook HC2 gives a display.

Chinook HC2 over Dartmouth Chinook HC2 over Dartmouth

It is quite amazing how maneuverable this aircraft is.

Chinook HC2 over Dartmouth Chinook HC2 over Dartmouth

More information about the Chinook can be found on the Roal Air Force website.

Chinook HC2 over Dartmouth Chinook HC2 over Dartmouth

<< - August 2009 - >>

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